Monday, June 27, 2011

Clear your Vision to turbo-charge growth

If you don't know where you're going, you may not like where you end up!

Your organization's vision statement is the first thing to create when writing your business plan. In a downbeat economy, you might think that it's the last thing you need, but having a succinct and easily-communicable vision is imperative to securing your business future.

Your vision, whether it be for a one-, five- or ten-year plan, describes your goals and should be an inspiration for all your colleagues every day they come into work. It's the framework for all your organization's strategic planning and that secret weapon that drives their business ever forward and upward.

So, make your Vision Clear!

And make sure your Pro forma vision remains positive and avoids marginally negative intonations, such as the following example: 

This vision statement clarifies the main goal that our organization wishes to achieve, making appropriate use of “clear quotes” to ensure that it’s obvious to anyone that we have no real substance, direction nor capital assets whatsoever. If that doesn't state our aim, I don't know what does.

 Laker Airlines 1976

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